Cho Kuo
will focus on lifting your mental spirit!
“As far as we can discern, the sole purpose of human existence is to kindle a light in the darkness of mere being.”
Carl Jung
About Me
I am using energy to shift emotional, mental and physical pain, addictions and trauma’s through working with conscious healing techniques. My aim is to change your condition positively in the current moments.
I am a living proof that we can cure anything through holistic alternative approaches. More about my story will be continued later.
May this alternative treatment open up doors for better healthcare and cure people in many more ways.
My calling is to help you heal, empower and recover!
Knowledge gained by experience
From mind to matter, where limited believes holds us back to expand our soul to become whole again as who we want to become.
Dive deeper in different topics as psychology, neuroscience, quantum psychics spiritual medicines.
“If you want a new outcome, you will have to break the habit of being yourself, and reinvent a new self.” Joe Dispenza